Thursday, May 4, 2017

commentary #2

In my colleagues' blog, "Free Country", Jessica Pham writes a commentary about free college where she cares to explain how degrading it is to pay for a college tuition when people let alone can't even mage to take are of themselves.  I do believe that the idea of free college is amazing. Not having to worry about tuition and everyone being able to reach for their dreams without anything economically stopping them, no student loans, no worries but in reality it would be very difficult to achieve. I believe that if free college was provided for everyone then it would lower the degree bar which I believe would make everyone be more competitive with each other but it would also make the universities they wish to apply to have higher standards than normal. I believe that one day college will eventually be free with no cost, but for that to happen someone is going to need to rise up and explain how it's going to be managed but it cannot come from the government. Both of my brothers were accepted into colleges but they ended up not graduating because they could not afford to pay it off any longer and they were going to extreme debt already, fortunately they turned out to have extremely different stable jobs that they enjoy working in than what they majored in not because it was the only available position for them. I on the other hand am majoring for education which requires a bachelors degree, but thankfully for my good standing grades I was and I am able to move forwards without having to worry as much about my tuition which makes me extremely lucky. I believe that since we are not able to be available to free college just yet, I believe people should just push themselves to get recognized so that way more opportunities could be given to them.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Blog Stage 7

Chris Cilia from CNN wrote an article about Donald Trump who discusses his feelings towards his job as being President in an interview with Reuters, called "Donald Trump sounds like he really misses not beingpresident." Cilia explains in great detail the facts on what Trump was hoping for when he was running for presidency stating  “that he had almost zero idea of what being president would entail when he started running for the office.” This clearly explains how unprepared and how amateur our president. With the amount of promises he assured that would accomplish towards those in need, specifically those who are desperate for affordable health care, when it comes to Trump he really has not accomplished anything he said would in his first 100 days. It is completely understandable that one thing such as affordable healthcare may not be covered in just one hundred days but a little progress makes a big difference, but the only progress that Trump has done so far is being focusing more on his conflict with North Korea rather than protecting his country and his peoples’ needs. The fact that our own president is basically stating how badly he misses his old life signifies how incapable he is taking the role as a leader. One rule that every leader should follow is being able to withstand any problem no matter how difficult it is, but to also prove that he is able to handle any problem that heads towards his way and to show his people what he is capable of doing. Instead Trump proves that is not able to confront issues as people hoped he would. It is disappointing to see our very own president struggling doing his role in just over 100 days, who knows what we would expect from him after four years.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

commentary #1

In my colleague's blog, "Freedom Writer," they care to address how the chemical chlorpyrifos, a crystalline organophosphate insecticide, is extremely toxic to children affecting them psychologically and physically. I most definitely agree with my colleague that this "insecticide" should be removed from all produce due to its dangerous chemicals that are leading to these terrible outcomes. Especially when it comes to normal people who are completely allergic to insecticides, such as my mother, it is very difficult for her to find the right produce without causing her to have an allergic reaction. I truly believe that the CDC or Office of Disease Prevention And Health Promotion need to do their job in protecting people rather than letting a hazardous chemical continue to spread to millions, and affect them. Rather than caring for the money they want to make, they should be caring about the health of the people like they are supposed to.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Blog Stage 5

Nicole Gaudiano wrote the article, "Business groups try to quash federal equal pay project," where she argues about equal pay for women who deserve it just as well as men. This article grasped me by attention because since 1920 we are still living in a society where no sex, race, or gender can accept and equally live together as one even though we may be living, or putting in the same amount of work, or committing the same actions as others. If we were able to legalize gay marriage, an action that is completely against the Christian religion which is a very powerful key component in one’s political culture, there would be a fight if such an idea came abroad, and sure enough the remarkable law was passed. When it comes to equal pay there are no two sides fighting each other, there is just one simply trying to be heard. Women deserve equal pay, this is a new generation with new mindsets and the only way we are bale to make that change is to actually stand up and fight which we have the opportunity to do now. They have been, are, and will be doing the same amount of work as men, or may even work harder but for what? Just to be paid 80% of what men earn, it is completely unfair. Especially when it comes to women of color, it speaks loudly on how racists our generation still is after centuries have passed. Business groups should not “squash” the equal pay project, what they should do is flourish it so people could see what good they are able to do and so they may give more trust towards when it comes to an issue as large as this one. Instead they are gaining an enemy, the strong women who will fight for whatever to overcome this issue.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Comment on Blog

John Aravosis, the Executive Editor of America Blog, who has also worked in the U.S Senate, Worldbank, and the United Nations Program along with other organizations, wrote an article called “Trump Hiring Freeze Child Care at Two More Military Bases.” Aravosis explains the decision that Donald Trump had placed on the federal workforce by hiring a freeze to “control the growth of the government.” Trumps actions completely suspended child care services at two military bases in the U.S and Germany, and possibly eliminate two more in Germany. Aravosis provides evidence on Trump’s decision with pictures of a memo that was sent out by Commanding General of the Garrison, Todd J. Fish, who explains the plans after closing down the child service programs.  Aravosis’ argument in the article is why elect someone who cares more about taxpayer’s money by reducing the federal workforce, rather than focusing on what his actions may lead to. Aravosis states, “this is the problem with electing someone with little government experiences, whose team had little government experience, and who excels at hubris.” I agree that Trump should care more about the outcomes that will come from the decisions that he places rather than focusing on what he may gather from it. The whole point of a government is to work together to provide for both sides, not one. Trump is proving how careless he is when it comes to making impactful decisions such as this one. If he is able to take away child care facilities, which will harm lives, and most likely get soldiers killed, he may take away something greater without thinking twice of how the citizens may react or what the outcome may be towards us, rather than thinking of himself and himself only.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Comment On Article

            Josh Rivera, from USA Today wrote ,“Trump Fears Come True for LGBTQ,” a political column that involves Trump revoking the bathroom order that Obama had placed to protect transgender students and their identity. Rivera’s intended audience is all of the American people. The argument that he makes is how unsuitable it was for our government to withdraw the only law that protected minorities in expressing themselves.  Rivera speaks about how quickly the law was revoked after Senator Jeff Sessions was elected as the new General Attorney, who greatly opposes the rights of the LBTQ community. Rivera makes claims asserting that thousands of transgender children including the daughter of Amber and Adam from Texas whose child identifies himself as a boy, have had past difficulties deciding in which way to truly identify themselves not only when it comes to bathrooms, but along with greater aspects that affect their life. With the order it allowed the child to be more confident in school, and performed better than without it. This order was the first step in allowing not only transgender minorities, but all citizens that identify themselves in the LBTQ community to express themselves even more and hope for a more peaceful and accepting future, where the least of someone’s worries should be their gender. Rivera points out all the anti LBTQ policies around the U.S and how they are discriminating normal human beings and preventing them from any medical access, employment, even housing. He states, “If our government is already giving protection to specific groups under the law, why not include nearly 700,000 who identify as transgender?,” this proves how repugnant our government is. I agree that withdrawing the only piece of hope that allowed children to believe in having a decent future is completely unacceptable. The whole point in having a government is to protect the rights of citizens and find ways to meet their needs. Instead of having a government that puts its own citizens down based on what gender identity they prefer, we should have one that supports the people having difficulties on fully expressing who they truly are and offering them a pathway to overcome it.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Trump compares U.S to Putin

On February 5, 2017 the America Blog posted an article called "Dear America, Donald Trump's just not that into you." This article is related to an interview that our current President had with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly.  When the subject about Vladimir Putin came afloat, the question was why Donald Trump would want to support a man who kills people who simply do not agree with him. Trump’s answer, (rather than giving an accurate response, but then again he never does) decides to go against the U.S and compare our country to the Russian President. This interview speaks loudly about who President Trump truly is, and it also gives insight on what his intentions are later on. If Donald Trump is willing to support Putin while bashing his own country, who knows what else he is inclined to support.