Friday, March 31, 2017

Blog Stage 5

Nicole Gaudiano wrote the article, "Business groups try to quash federal equal pay project," where she argues about equal pay for women who deserve it just as well as men. This article grasped me by attention because since 1920 we are still living in a society where no sex, race, or gender can accept and equally live together as one even though we may be living, or putting in the same amount of work, or committing the same actions as others. If we were able to legalize gay marriage, an action that is completely against the Christian religion which is a very powerful key component in one’s political culture, there would be a fight if such an idea came abroad, and sure enough the remarkable law was passed. When it comes to equal pay there are no two sides fighting each other, there is just one simply trying to be heard. Women deserve equal pay, this is a new generation with new mindsets and the only way we are bale to make that change is to actually stand up and fight which we have the opportunity to do now. They have been, are, and will be doing the same amount of work as men, or may even work harder but for what? Just to be paid 80% of what men earn, it is completely unfair. Especially when it comes to women of color, it speaks loudly on how racists our generation still is after centuries have passed. Business groups should not “squash” the equal pay project, what they should do is flourish it so people could see what good they are able to do and so they may give more trust towards when it comes to an issue as large as this one. Instead they are gaining an enemy, the strong women who will fight for whatever to overcome this issue.

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