Friday, March 10, 2017

Comment on Blog

John Aravosis, the Executive Editor of America Blog, who has also worked in the U.S Senate, Worldbank, and the United Nations Program along with other organizations, wrote an article called “Trump Hiring Freeze Child Care at Two More Military Bases.” Aravosis explains the decision that Donald Trump had placed on the federal workforce by hiring a freeze to “control the growth of the government.” Trumps actions completely suspended child care services at two military bases in the U.S and Germany, and possibly eliminate two more in Germany. Aravosis provides evidence on Trump’s decision with pictures of a memo that was sent out by Commanding General of the Garrison, Todd J. Fish, who explains the plans after closing down the child service programs.  Aravosis’ argument in the article is why elect someone who cares more about taxpayer’s money by reducing the federal workforce, rather than focusing on what his actions may lead to. Aravosis states, “this is the problem with electing someone with little government experiences, whose team had little government experience, and who excels at hubris.” I agree that Trump should care more about the outcomes that will come from the decisions that he places rather than focusing on what he may gather from it. The whole point of a government is to work together to provide for both sides, not one. Trump is proving how careless he is when it comes to making impactful decisions such as this one. If he is able to take away child care facilities, which will harm lives, and most likely get soldiers killed, he may take away something greater without thinking twice of how the citizens may react or what the outcome may be towards us, rather than thinking of himself and himself only.

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